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Emma's strange pet

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Although desperate for a dog, Max understands that the family can never have one due to his sister’s allergies to animal fur, but when Emma picks out a strange and furless animal as her birthday present, Max is able to make the adjustment and love it just the same--enough to get a strange pet of his own! Reprint.

Jean Little is the author of more than twenty-five books for children. In addition to Emma's Magic Winter, her first I Can Read Book, Ms. Little's works include the novels Lost and Found, Different Dragons, From Anna and Hey World, Here I Am, illustrated by Sue Truesdell. Jean Little has always been interested in adoption, and she had a first-hand experience with it when her sister adopted two children several years ago. The family has nine pets, the most recent addition being Henry Higgins, a talking African gray parrot. Although Jean Little was born with scarred corneas that severely impair her vision, she has always loved to read and to write. She writes with a voice-activated computer and travels widely with her Seeing Eye dog, Pippa. Ms. Little lives in Ontario, Canada.

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