A sequel to Dear Mother Goose, this is a hilarious collection of fairy stories with a difference. All the best-loved fairy-tale characters are here and they all have a different problem, from the pesky girl who keeps eating little bear's porridge, to Pinocchio's mendacious habits, to the wolf who just won't leave Little Red Riding Hood alone. Along with their letters asking for advice comes the scene with the problem – then lift the flap and see Fairy Godmother's ingenious solutions to their predicaments! Wittily illustrated by Nick Sharratt, with a very funny text from Michael Rosen, this is a novelty book full of unexpected solutions – and a party at the end!
Michael Rosen is one of the most popular contemporary poets and authors of books for children. His titles include We're Going on a Bear Hunt which was the winner of the Smarties Book Prize (9780744523232), Michael Rosen's Sad Book (9781406313616) and Totally Wonderful Miss Plumberry (9781406305500). The presenter of "Word of Mouth" on BBC Radio 4, he received the Eleanor Farjeon Award for services to children's literature in 1997. Michael lives in London. For more information, please see the website: www.michaelrosen.co.uk