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Drive your plow over the bones of the dead

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2019年諾貝爾文學獎得主 / 2018年曼布克獎得主奧爾嘉.朵卡萩探索人類行徑的神祕小說,也是謳歌自然,讚頌英國神秘詩人兼畫家William Blake的傑出之作。 「閃耀著顛覆性的才華…這不是你所謂的傳統犯罪故事,朵卡萩也不是你所謂的傳統作家。透過她傑出的天分與才智,還有她的”思考小說”,她忖度並處理了更大的生態與政治上的議題。」-《哈芬頓郵報》 遙遠的波蘭村莊,Janina在幽暗的冬日裡致力於研究占星術、翻譯William Blake的詩、並且照看華沙富人在村莊裡的避暑屋。她的怪異與隱遁因為喜愛動物的陪伴勝過人類而被放大。鄰居”大腳”突然死了,很快地,其他的屍體在越來越奇怪的狀態下被發現。當猜疑升起,Janina投入調查,並確信誰是兇手,但是沒有人理會她…。 一本驚悚與童話並存的小說,探索理性與瘋狂、正義與傳統、自主與命定之間的晦澀邊界。誰是我們認為的理性之人?誰的發聲又值得一聽? FINALIST FOR THE 2019 MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE "Extraordinary. Tokarczuk's novel is funny, vivid, dangerous, and disturbing, and it raises some fierce questions about human behavior. My sincere admiration for her brilliant work." --Annie Proulx In a remote Polish village, Janina devotes the dark winter days to studying astrology, translating the poetry of William Blake, and taking care of the summer homes of wealthy Warsaw residents. Her reputation as a crank and a recluse is amplified by her not-so-secret preference for the company of animals over humans. Then a neighbor, Big Foot, turns up dead. Soon other bodies are discovered, in increasingly strange circumstances. As suspicions mount, Janina inserts herself into the investigation, certain that she knows whodunit. If only anyone would pay her mind . . . A deeply satisfying thriller cum fairy tale, Drive Your Plow over the Bones of the Dead is a provocative exploration of the murky borderland between sanity and madness, justice and tradition, autonomy and fate. Whom do we deem sane? it asks. Who is worthy of a voice?

Olga TokarczukOlga Tokarczuk is one of Poland's most celebrated and beloved authors, a winner of the Man Booker International Prize, as well as her country's highest literary honor, the Nike. She is the author of eight novels and two short story collections, and has been translated into thirty languages. Her work has appeared in n +1, BOMB Magazine, and Asymptote.

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