現在的你像河馬一樣快樂嗎?還是像鴨子一樣生氣?又或許像雞一樣傷心? 各式各樣動物情緒的表達在這本由Sandra Boynton所寫的書中,都可以找到聰明的答案與可愛插圖。最後她還貼心的提醒小讀者們:「嗯,我希望你是快樂的,但如果你不快樂,我們這些朋友都會來幫忙,因為我們非常喜歡你!」同時具有學習表達心情及鼓勵的作用,是本可愛的情緒小書。
Sandra Boynton在美國已出版超過50本書,可以邊聽邊看、也能邊彈邊唱的《Philadelphia Chickens》還入圍葛萊美獎,銷量超過100萬張。以動物為主角且到位的幽默是她的招牌,最重要的是,讓大小讀者們看了都能會心一笑。【文∕博客來外文館】
Bestselling author Sandra Boynton’s board book tackles the concept of moods with her charming, trademark sense of humor.Clever animals exemplify a wide range of emotions in this hilarious story about different feelings. Young readers are sure to giggle as interactive text asks them if they are grumpy as a moose or excited as a dog? Maybe they’re worried as a rabbit or contented as a frog?Are you HAPPY AS A HIPPO? Or ANGRY AS A DUCK? Maybe SAD AS A CHICKEN? (Can you sadly say "CLUCK CLUCK"?)
Sandra Boynton is a popular American humorist, songwriter, children's author and illustrator. Boynton has written and illustrated more than forty books for both children and adults, as well as over four thousand greeting cards, and four music albums. Although she does not license her characters to be redrawn or adapted, she has herself designed — for various companies—calendars, wallpaper, bedding, stationery, paper goods, clothing, jewelry, and plush toys.