Tom visits the house he lived in when he was a little boy, and he finds an old newspaper in the wardrobe. He picks it up, and becomes that little boy again. He is standing in front of a mirror, and is confused by what he sees. What does he see in that mirror? Read on to find out.Tom回到了小時候曾居住過的房子。他在衣櫃裡找到了一份舊報紙。當他拾起那份報紙時,剎那間,他再次變回了小男孩,站在鏡子前的他,因他所見的而感到困惑,究竟他在那面鏡子中發現了甚麼呢?讓我們來讀讀,看看那面鏡子有甚麼吧!