The eight heroes travel through the Outlands, on their quest to find the Legend Beasts, when the Eagles' Castle comes under attack from the Bats! Laval and his friends take on the bats, but Eagle warrior Equila crashes his Ultra Striker in a tree. Hanging precariously, the vehicle threatens to crash on the village of the skunks. Fellow Eagle Eris is faced with a dilemma: she can either use the Eagles remaining CHI orbs to fight the bats, or to save the skunk village. Which decision is the right one? Also featuring three more stories starring Laval, Cragger, and the rest of the warriors of Chima!
YANNICK GROTHOLT is finishing his studies in screenwriting and series formats at Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg. His first episode for the German police series “Grosstadtrevier” aired last year and he is currently developing a TV series primarily aimed at teenagers for German broadcaster SWR. He began writing comics in 2012.COMICON is a Spanish collective of creators working on projects worldwide. LEGO LEGENDS OF CHIMA is a production of three members of their team, Miguel Sanchez (pencils), Marc Alberich (inks), and Oriol San Julian (color).