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Yo! Yes?

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凱迪克大獎得獎作品全書僅僅只有三十四個字,作者運用炭筆和水彩構成的畫面,讓兩個孤單和不同膚色的孩子從陌生到朋友的過程格外動人。黑人小孩與白人小孩從最簡單的遠距離問候到最後他們距離越來越近,作者運用不同大小的字體反映聲量、舞台燈光的效果從左右兩側逐漸聚攏,兩個小孩最終手牽手成為朋友。Available for the first time in a Scholastic Bookshelf paperback version! Yo! Yes?, in Chris Raschka's signature style, shouts to be read aloud. Raschka captures the street poetry between two boys - one black, one white, one shy, one outgoing, one nerdy, one street-smart - who meet, check each other out, and end up beign friends. At first, the boys are shy and awkward. By the end of the book, their friendship explodes off the page in jubilation. besides being fun to read aloud or to act out in the classroom, Yo! Yes? is appealing to the eye, ear, and heart, and perfect for children just beginning to read.

Chris Raschka is the Caldecott Award-winning illustrator of A BALL FOR DAISY and THE HELLO, GOODBYE WINDOW. He is also the illustrator of YO! YES? (which won a Caldecott Honor), SOURPUSS AND SWEETIE PIE, CHARLIE PARKER PLAYED BE BOP, and FARMY FARM. He lives with his wife and son in New York City.

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