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Super duper water balloon launcher

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Get ready to get wet!Sure, tossing water balloons around is a fun way to spend a hot summer afternoon. But what if you could launch water balloons the length of a football field? The launcher included in this kit allows for exactly that, and is constructed with heavy-duty hand grips, rubber tubing, and a cloth launch pocket. Whether three people control the launcher or one person wraps it between two trees, there are dozens of ways to use this creative tool at pool parties, camping trips, picnics, and anywhere a good time (and wet fun) is desired. The included book provides how-to and safety information, fun science experiments and explanations, and suggestions for ten original games, such as water balloon bowling, golf, and more.

Get ready to get wet!Sure, tossing water balloons around is a fun way to spend a hot summer afternoon. But what if you could launch water balloons the length of a football field? The launcher included in this kit allows for exactly that, and is constructed with heavy-duty hand grips, rubber tubing, and a cloth launch pocket. Whether three people control the launcher or one person wraps it between two trees, there are dozens of ways to use this creative tool at pool parties, camping trips, picnics, and anywhere a good time (and wet fun) is desired. The included book provides how-to and safety information, fun science experiments and explanations, and suggestions for ten original games, such as water balloon bowling, golf, and more.

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