首次創作繪本即獲得各界好評的Greg Pizzoli,憑藉著大膽的用色與過人的設計感,將許多大人孩提時充滿稚氣與傻氣的憂慮以明亮、輕鬆的方式轉化,小鱷魚多層次的豐富表情更是讓人直呼可愛,是一本大人小孩讀後都會心有戚戚焉的有趣故事。(文/博客來編譯)
With perfect comic pacing, Greg Pizzoli introduces us to one funny crocodile who has one big fear: swallowing a watermelon seed. What will he do when his greatest fear is realized? Will vines sprout out his ears? Will his skin turn pink? This crocodile has a wild imagination that kids will love. With bold color and beautiful sense of design, Greg Pizzoli''s picture book debut takes this familiar childhood worry and gives us a true gem in the vein of I Want My Hat Back and Not a Box.