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The farmer and the poor god : a folktale from Japan

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Kit and Fancy are the daughters of the Bonesaw Killer. And they’re starting to realize they’re more like Daddy than they thought.... What begins as a fascination with slicing open and stitching up quickly becomes a murder spree—not of the paranormal demons in their town, but of abusive and cruel humans. But the girls have learned from the mistakes of their father and know that a shred of evidence could get them caught. So when Fancy stumbles upon a mysterious and invisible doorway to what she calls The Happy Place, a mystical garden full of bleeding statues, she opens a door to endless possibilities....

Kit and Fancy are the daughters of the Bonesaw Killer. And they’re starting to realize they’re more like Daddy than they thought.... What begins as a fascination with slicing open and stitching up quickly becomes a murder spree—not of the paranormal demons in their town, but of abusive and cruel humans. But the girls have learned from the mistakes of their father and know that a shred of evidence could get them caught. So when Fancy stumbles upon a mysterious and invisible doorway to what she calls The Happy Place, a mystical garden full of bleeding statues, she opens a door to endless possibilities....

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