天不怕地不怕!?的獅子非洲大草原上有一個像獅子的巨石造像,在那石頭底下有一隻不起眼的小老鼠,牠常被踩在腳下 或是被一屁股坐下,非常沒有存在感。相反地,在巨石頂上的獅子就霸氣十足,常常對著動物展現他的獅吼功和舉重實力,受到動物們的崇拜,人氣超旺。小老鼠希望自己也能像獅子一樣吼得震天狂響,但是唯一能教他獅吼功的就是—可能會吃掉他的獅子。小老鼠仍然鼓起勇氣,爬到巨石頂端,終於見到了獅子。而獅子的第一反應是:「咿咿咿咿﹏」,獅子超怕老鼠,直嚷著「別傷害我啊,老鼠!!」,老鼠友善地說:「別害怕,我是你的朋友,我們可以一起玩」,從此獅子和老鼠形影不離,小老鼠覺得自己超有存在感,而從獅子嘴巴出來的不再是獅吼聲,而是笑聲了。 "That day they BOTH learnedThat, no matter your size,We all have a mouseAND a lion inside. "A mouse feels small and insecure and determines that what he needs to do is learn how to roar like a lion. He knows he has to act brave when he approaches a lion to learn how. In a hilarious turn of events, the lion is afraid of mice! The mouse comforts the lion, they become friends, and we learn that there's a lion and a mouse inside all of us.The inspiring text by Rachel Bright and the fun, bold illustrations by Jim Field teach young readers an important lesson. Regardless of how big or mighty we are, we can all live our dreams and do what we want to do. Fans of Aesop's "The Lion and the Mouse " will enjoy The Lion Inside!"