In the tenth fantastical adventure of The Kingdom of Wrenly series, Prince Lucas and Clara must rescue a young Pegasus. When a shooting star streaks across the night sky, Prince Lucas makes a wish for an epic adventure. Little did he know it would come true As Lucas and Clara set out to investigate some mysterious happenings in Wrenly, they find a Pegasus that is lost and in danger. Will the two friends be able to help the mystical creature find its way back home to a floating castle high above in the clouds? With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, The Kingdom of Wrenly chapter books are perfect for beginning readers.
Jordan Quinn grew up in a fairy tale castle in England. It had a spiral stone staircase, a moat, and a dungeon. As a child she liked to play hide-and-go-seek and ride her beloved horse, Prince Charming. When she wasn’t riding, she wrote stories about fairies, trolls, dragons, and wizards. Today Jordan lives on a ranch in California with her husband, son, and a golden retriever named Sir Toots-a-Lot. Robert McPhillips has been involved in a wide variety of projects over the years--from illustrating greeting cards to animation, though he especially loves illustrating children’s books. Robert makes his home in North Devon, England, with his wife, Sam.