主題:人物特寫LEVEL:1 Harry是一隻身上有黑斑點的小花狗。Harry喜歡牠所有的鄰居─除了住在隔壁的女士以外。隔壁的女士每天都扯著嗓門引吭高歌,Harry簡直快受不了啦!Harry於是嘗試各種方法,要讓隔壁的女士從此不再唱歌。 Harry的系列故事已深受國外小朋友歡迎。這隻淘氣又充滿人性的小狗,搭配上趣味十足的情節,讓許多大人小孩都無法抵擋牠的魅力!本書雖篇幅較長,但用字簡單易懂,內容也分成容易閱讀的章節,相當適合當作小朋友的閱讀練習。
A classic I Can Read story featuring the beloved Harry the Dirty Dog Harry, the mischievous little white dog with black spots, tries everything he can think of to get the lady next door to stop singing. Every time Harry tries to stop her, he gets in trouble Can Harry solve the neighborhood′s problem before he′s sent to the doghouse? This is an irresistible story featuring a classic picture book character, especially perfect for young dog lovers and fans of Harry the Dirty Dog.For more fun with Harry the Dirty Dog, don''t miss No Roses for Harry and Harry by the Sea.