|aNIA AKINTEWE lives in Notsuoh, Texas, an isolated unknown city on the outskirts of Houston where residents have two choices: FOCUS or FAIL. Nia remembers the demise of her brother when he veered off his path of focus (one time) as she attempts to avoid the same path illustrated to her. While dealing with her fears and insecurities, most notably her fear of public speaking, she meets a mentor close to home that teaches her the power of shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. As a college freshman, she learns financial literacy to assist her with the knowledge base required to rapidly pay off her student loan debt she will accrue over time. She’s equipped with the tools necessary to initiate this mindset shift, but it’s up to her to apply what she learns. Will she focus or fail? Michael Benjamin’s fictional, personal development book about a young teen figuring out where her puzzle piece should be placed in life addresses the importance and effect of adopting a growth mindset, while teaching financial literacy that should be taught in the educational space early on.