◎全套共分成 Young、Teen 以及 Young Adult 三個層級。每個層級再分成級數 Stages 1~5 不等。Young 適合CEF 級數 A1~A2Teen 適合CEF 級數 A1~B1Young Adult 適合CEF 級數 A1~C2◎Teen 故事主題幽默有趣,部分是原創故事,部分則是改編自經典故事,如孤雛淚等。◎Young Adult 則是精選古典文學名著,例如:Romeo and Juliet、The Picture of Dorian Gray、Pride and Prejudice 等。◎每章讀後即是兩頁的閱讀測驗。書末提供與故事相關的背景知識 (例如:作者簡介、故事所描述的年代及社會環境等),幫助學生增長見聞。◎書後附CD。另有部分讀本發行單書版。◎The ELI New Readers present themselves as narrative texts of great literary prominence with a strong identity,whether they are classics,adapted or whole,or originals.◎The different sections which complement the text (notes about the author,analyses, activities…) aim to enrich reading and facilitate understanding and language learning,without diminishing the pleasure of reading.◎The readers are divided into three series Young ELI Readers,Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers,according to the age of the readers and their language level,are in line with the indications set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises.● Five pages of exercises for revision at the end of each book● An illustrated dictionary, placed on the inside of the cover, keeps the vocabulary the student needs within sight at all times● Fun cut out bookmarks personalize each book● The illustrations in each book have been carried out by the most interesting of illustrators,with the conviction that visual‘comments’in the text aid the comprehension of a foreign language text.● The ELI Readers compel the reader to fall in love with both the stories andillustrations.● They are elegant books made up of fine details which surprise the reader:from the type of paper to the font chosen.● This particularly clear and captivating design was created to guide the readers in the comprehension of the text and the execution of the activities.