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Chasing Vermeer 1

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美國作家布露.巴利葉特(Blue Balliett)初試啼聲之作,一出版就迭獲好評。本書情節曲折,層次豐富,故事主要講述一幅維梅爾的畫在運送途中被偷走了,柯德和佩卓這兩位11歲的小學生,因為畫被竊的地點就在住家附近、老師剛剛提過書信與藝術品、他們在舊書店發現的一本小書,以及周遭浮現的種種跡象,促使他們投入失竊畫的追查。和一般推理小說不同的是,這兩位主人翁有的不是放大鏡,而是男孩手中的五連塊(一種數學拼圖)、女孩手中的一本書(探討奇異現象與巧合),以及兩人豐富的聯想力,和獨立思考的判斷力。



This bewitching first novel is a puzzle, wrapped in a mystery, disguised as an adventure, and delivered as a work of art.

Chasing Vermeer joins the Scholastic Gold line, which features award-winning and beloved novels. Includes exclusive bonus content
When a book of unexplainable occurences brings Petra and Calder together, strange things start to happen: Seemingly unrelated events connect; an eccentric old woman seeks their company; an invaluable Vermeer painting disappears. Before they know it, the two find themselves at the center of an international art scandal, where no one is spared from suspicion. As Petra and Calder are drawn clue by clue into a mysterious labyrinth, they must draw on their powers of intuition, their problem solving skills, and their knowledge of Vermeer. Can they decipher a crime that has stumped even the FBI?

Blue Balliett(布露.巴利葉特)
現居美國芝加哥,距離建築大師萊特的作品「羅比屋」只有咫尺之遙。《誰偷了維梅爾?》是他的第一本小說,第二部The Wright 3《萊特屋謎案》則已授權16國語言版本,且一出版即登上《紐約時報》排行榜。她在布朗大學拿到藝術史學位之後,就任教於小說中的芝加哥大學實驗學校,目前專職寫作。喜歡在洗衣間寫作,享受不受旁人打擾,只有貓和乾淨衣服的陪伴。


Brett Helquist(布萊特.赫奎斯特 )

知名插畫家,作品出現在雜誌、報紙、繪本與小說。他大學時曾主修工程,後來發現興趣不合,於是休學,並來到台灣,從事教科書插畫工作,之後回到學校,主修插畫。他最出名的作品是美國版「波特萊爾的冒險」系列插畫。 美國《書單》雜誌推崇他在《誰偷了維梅爾?》的表現「超越自我,更提供了互動的解謎樂趣」。
Blue Balliett is the author of several bestselling, acclaimed mystery novels, including Hold Fast, Chasing Vermeer (a Book Sense Book of the Year and an Edgar Award winner), The Wright 3, The Calder Game, and The Danger Box. She writes in the laundry room of her home in Chicago, Illinois, and you can find her online at

Brett Helquist was born in Ganado, Arizona, and grew up in Orem, Utah. He entered Brigham Young University as an engineering major, but soon realized this was not the right choice for him. Having decided to take time off from college, he headed to Taiwan where he stumbled into a job illustrating English textbooks, which he enjoyed. There, a friend introduced him to an illustration student, also from Brigham Young University. This introduction inspired Brett to eventually switch majors. After spending a year in Taiwan, he went back to BYU and transferred to the illustration department. In 1993 he received a fine arts degree in illustration.

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