Nick Fury finds himself at odds with the clandestine spy organization he has run, or thought he has run, for many years.
As Ralph Macchio's assistant, Bob Harras edited several titles, mostly tie-ins such as Micronauts, Rom Spaceknight, Saga of Crystar and U.S.1. He subsequently became chief editor of the X-Men titles and wrote for multiple series, including a three-year run on Avengers. Graduating to editor in chief, he oversaw well-received runs of Captain America, Daredevil, Deadpool and other titles, as well as the controversial second Clone Saga in the 1990s' Spider-Man titles. Harras has since worked as contributing editor at Wildstorm and collected editions editor for DC Comics. He became DC's editor in chief in 2010.After stints on Warren Publishing's Eerie and IPC's 2000 AD, Paul Neary moved to Marvel UK as artist on the imprint's Hulk and Nick Fury features, as well as multiple Doctor Who sagas. With then-newcomer Alan Davis, he migrated to more mainstream titles, inking Davis' pencils on Uncanny X-Men and Captain Britain, as well as on DC's Detective Comics. Returning to Marvel UK as editor in chief, Neary launched Death's Head II, Motormouth, Warheads and other 1990s titles. He has since returned to art, inking Bryan Hitch's pencils on Wildstorm's Authority; and Marvel's Fantastic Four, Ultimates and more.