內容簡介top A Big Guy Took My Ball! 簡介 大塊頭搶了我的球! 《Elephant and Piggie Book》是Mo Willems 創作的一系列令人狂笑的繪本漫畫,大吉總是緊張兮兮,小豬寶可就不一定。大吉總是東操心、西操心,所以有了他,小豬寶可以很安心。故事就由這一對寶貝遇到各種情況而衍伸出來的日常生活對話為主軸,用字精準,淺顯幽默,讓人會心一笑,此系列作品獲獎無數,本本蟬聯紐約時報暢銷排行! 除了適合英文的初學者體驗文字的火花,更是讓大人一看放不下來的輕鬆小品! Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In A Big Guy Took My Ball! Piggie is devastated when a big guy takes her ball! Gerald is big, too...but is he big enough to help his best friend?
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