Revised and updated for a new generation! In a series of fourteen intriguing illustrations, the award-winning A Street Through Time tells the story of human history by exploring a street as it evolves from 10,000 BCE to the present day. Watch the landscape and daily lives of the street's inhabitants change, as the small settlement grows into a city, is struck by war and plague, and gains trade and industry. Throughout, children are asked to study the photos in order to find a time traveler in each scene, as well as to pick out interesting details, encouraging them to pore over the unique illustrations and more easily learn about the historical background.
Revised and updated for a new generation! In a series of fourteen intriguing illustrations, the award-winning A Street Through Time tells the story of human history by exploring a street as it evolves from 10,000 BCE to the present day. Watch the landscape and daily lives of the street's inhabitants change, as the small settlement grows into a city, is struck by war and plague, and gains trade and industry. Throughout, children are asked to study the photos in order to find a time traveler in each scene, as well as to pick out interesting details, encouraging them to pore over the unique illustrations and more easily learn about the historical background. Steve Noon is an artist from Kent, England. Educated at Art College in Cornwall, he is the illustrator of A City Through Time, A Port Through Time, and A Street Through Time, as well as The Story of the Nile and The Story of the Titanic. He has received numerous awards for his illustrations, including the Shankei Children’s Literature Prize in 2001 and the Longman History Today History Book of the Year in 2000.Anne Millard has written or acted as historical adviser on countless books, including DK’s A Street Through Time. As a child, she listened to a radio show called How Things Began and decided there and then she wanted to be a historian and archeologist. A specialist in Egyptology, she divides her time between London and Dorset, England.