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Plant the tiny seed

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There is magic in every tiny seed.
The seeds that come in little paper packets and those that fall from flowers and plants.
In every garden and every flowerpot, magic can grow.
With a little sunlight, a little water, and a little help from birds and worms and bees, a tiny seed sprouts, a plant grows, and a beautiful f lower blooms.
There is magic in every tiny seed.
And in this book, you become the magician.
How? Press the seed into the ground, wiggle your fingers to add water, clap to bring the sun.
And then . . .turn the page.
What can grow from one tiny seed?
Press, tap, wiggle, and jiggle to start the magic!
Press the seed—don’t be shy!
Wiggle your fingers to add some water.
Clap your hands to bring the sun.Wow! A beautiful flower!商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準

There is magic in every tiny seed.
The seeds that come in little paper packets and those that fall from flowers and plants.
In every garden and every flowerpot, magic can grow.
With a little sunlight, a little water, and a little help from birds and worms and bees, a tiny seed sprouts, a plant grows, and a beautiful f lower blooms.
There is magic in every tiny seed.
And in this book, you become the magician.
How? Press the seed into the ground, wiggle your fingers to add water, clap to bring the sun.
And then . . .turn the page.
What can grow from one tiny seed?
Press, tap, wiggle, and jiggle to start the magic!
Press the seed—don’t be shy!
Wiggle your fingers to add some water.
Clap your hands to bring the sun.Wow! A beautiful flower!商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準 Christie Matheson is an editor for the parenting website and newsletter Stroller Traffic, and the author of the popular picture books Tap the Magic Tree and Touch the Brightest Star. Her writing about the environment, design, and other lifestyle topics has appeared in many publications. She lives with her husband and three young children in San Francisco. You can find her on Twitter @christiemath.

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