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Wild horse scientists

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Wild Horse Scientists


Dr. Ron Keiper and Dr. Jay Kirkpatrick have both, in their own unique way, made the wild horses of Assateague Island, Maryland their lives?work. Experience Dr. Keiper's handwritten notesaken over countless watchful hours in the fieldhich are both a diary and a scientific log that chart the lives of his equine subjects, some of nature's greatest survivors. And follow Dr. Kirkpatrick from the lab to the field as he works tirelessly to find a way to manage the horse population with a birth control vaccine, and helps keep the precarious balance of Assateague ecosystem intact. Descriptive prose meets solid science as author Kay Frydenborg offers a rare glimpse into the wild herds of Assateague, sharing beautiful photos of the Assateague herds in their island home and of both of the scientists at workome of them never seen before.

Dr. Ron Keiper and Dr. Jay Kirkpatrick have both, in their own unique way, made the wild horses of Assateague Island, Maryland their lives?work. Experience Dr. Keiper's handwritten notesaken over countless watchful hours in the fieldhich are both a diary and a scientific log that chart the lives of his equine subjects, some of nature's greatest survivors. And follow Dr. Kirkpatrick from the lab to the field as he works tirelessly to find a way to manage the horse population with a birth control vaccine, and helps keep the precarious balance of Assateague ecosystem intact. Descriptive prose meets solid science as author Kay Frydenborg offers a rare glimpse into the wild herds of Assateague, sharing beautiful photos of the Assateague herds in their island home and of both of the scientists at workome of them never seen before.

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