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One day, a baby seahorse is born, turning and tumbling as he floats through ocean currents alongside his three hundred brothers and sisters.Like a tiny, mythical dragon, the seahorse is a fascinating creature: he changes color to fit in with the surroundings of his spectacular coral reef and sea grass surroundings; his lizard-like eyes can look in two directions at once; and when he has grown, heot the femaleill give birth to the next batch of whirling seahorses.Jennifer Keats Curtis evocative language and Chad Wallace shimmering illustrations tell the story of the seahorse amazing life beneath the waves.

One day, a baby seahorse is born, turning and tumbling as he floats through ocean currents alongside his three hundred brothers and sisters.Like a tiny, mythical dragon, the seahorse is a fascinating creature: he changes color to fit in with the surroundings of his spectacular coral reef and sea grass surroundings; his lizard-like eyes can look in two directions at once; and when he has grown, heot the femaleill give birth to the next batch of whirling seahorses.Jennifer Keats Curtis evocative language and Chad Wallace shimmering illustrations tell the story of the seahorse amazing life beneath the waves.

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