In a tale illustrated by paintings in the style of eighteenth-century Japanese woodcuts, servants of a greedy lord are sentenced to death after they release a mandarin duck that the lord had captured. Reprint.
Katherine Paterson is a legendary children's books author whose work has garnered many awards, including two Newbery medals (Bridge to Terabithia?in?1978 and?Jacob Have I Loved?in?1981), two National Book Awards (The Master Puppeteer?in?1977 and?The Great Gilly Hopkins?in 1979), and the Laura Ingalls Wilder medal for her substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children. Some of her other award-winning books include Come Sing, Jimmy Jo, Flip-Flop Girl, Lyddie, and Stories of My Life. She?served as the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature?for 2010-2011 and?is currently vice president of the National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance. She lives in Vermont.Diane Dillon was born in Los Angeles in 1933. She met her future husband, Leo, when they were both studying at the Parsons School of Design in New York in 1953. They married in 1957 and became an iconic artistic duo.?The Dillons are the only illustrators to win the Caldecott Medal two years in a row, which they did in 1976 and 1977. They produced more than 100 speculative book and magazine covers together.